Heartfeldt Foundation

Heartfeldt Forest: Connecting Music and Environmental Impact

Project Overview

In Spring 2020, we embarked on a unique endeavour that brought together our shared love for music and our commitment to protecting the environment. Through streaming our Heartfeldt Releases, you contributed to our project, planting trees in the Costa Rican Rainforest thanks to our partner, Community Carbon Trees—an exceptional Costa Rican organisation dedicated to planting biodiverse tropical forests.

Why Trees Matter

Trees play a vital role in our lives, cleansing the air we breathe, filtering the water we drink, and providing homes to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Not only do they protect the soil from erosion caused by heavy rains, but they also serve as a source of livelihood for many. Forests offer valuable resources like timber, wood, fruits, and raw materials, which hold economic significance.

The Challenge of Deforestation

Despite these remarkable benefits, global deforestation, primarily driven by agricultural practices, threatens our precious trees and therefore our quality of life on this planet. 

Community Carbon Trees

To counter this threat, our partnership with Community Carbon Trees has made a significant impact. This organisation employs local teams of men and women from the region of San Juan de Dios in Costa Rica, who work tirelessly to plant and maintain trees. With an unwavering commitment to establishing and nurturing tropical trees, these teams supervise them for four years and collaborate with farmers for an additional 21 years. By empowering the local community and fostering environmental and social transformation, we can halt deforestation and ensure the longevity of the trees we plant for future generations. 

Why Costa Rica?

Did you know that Costa Rica is well on its way to becoming carbon neutral? This Central-American country already derives approximately 99% of its energy from renewable resources. Following the abolition of its army in the late 1940s, Costa Rica has been able to allocate substantial portions of its budget to social programs, including free education and healthcare, the advancement of hydropower, national park preservation, and reversing deforestation. Additionally, Costa Rica's location within 10° of the equator allows for continuous growth rates without hibernation, leading to significant carbon sequestration.


Thanks to the collective participation and support from you all over the world, we successfully planted 2064 trees—an amazing achievement! We extend our heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you. Through your contributions, these trees will actively filter the air, sequester carbon, purify water sources, safeguard the soil, and provide a home to countless animals.

The results of this project align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • 1 - No poverty
  • 5 - Gender equality
  • 7 - Affordable and clean energy
  • 13 - Climate action
  • 15 - Life on land

Shall We Do It Again?

We're thrilled with the outcome of this project and its positive impact. 

At the Heartfeldt Foundation, we aim to promote a conscious lifestyle and support local sustainability projects worldwide—just like the one you've witnessed. If you'd like to support our mission further, we kindly ask for your help.

Your contribution has the power to create a lasting impact on our environment and the communities we serve. Join us in building a better, greener future by making a donation today. No matter the amount, every donation plays a crucial role in supporting our mission.

Together, let's celebrate our achievements and forge ahead. Take part in the positive change we are creating. Donate today or become an ambassador and be a part of the solution.